Privacy Policy

WE, Interiors Factory represented by its members, where such expression shall, unless repugnant to the context thereof, be deemed to include its respective legal heirs, representatives, administrators, permitted successors and assigns. The creator of this Privacy Policy ensures steady commitment to YOUR privacy with regard to the protection of YOUR invaluable information. This privacy policy contains information about our Interiors Factory android application (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “application”). In order to provide YOU with OUR uninterrupted Use of services, WE may collect and, in some circumstances, disclose information about YOU with YOUR permission. To ensure better protection of YOUR privacy, WE provide this notice explaining OUR information collection and disclosure policies, and the choices YOU make about the way YOUR information is collected and used.


This Privacy Policy shall be in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in effect from Jan 01, 2019 and any and all provisions that may read to the contrary shall be deemed to be void and unenforceable as of that date. If YOU do not agree with the terms and conditions of OUR Privacy Policy, including in relation to the manner of collection or Use of YOUR information, please do not Use or access the Site. If YOU have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, YOU should contact OUR Customer Support Desk at





WE are committed to respecting YOUR online privacy. WE further recognize YOUR need for appropriate protection and management of any Personal Information YOU share with US. WE may collect the following information:


Personal data such as, but not limited to, Name, Location, Password, Email ID, Mobile Number,etc.

Tracking Information such as, but not limited to the IP address of YOUR device and Device ID when connected to the Internet. [This information may include the URL that YOU just came from (whether this URL is on the Application or not), which URL YOU next go to (whether this URL is on the Application or not), YOUR computer browser information, and other information associated with YOUR interaction with the Site.

This privacy policy also applies to data WE collect from USERs who are not registered as members of this site, including, but not limited to, browsing behavior, pages viewed etc. WE also collect and store personal information provided by YOU from time to time on the Site. WE only collect and Use such information from YOU that WE consider necessary for achieving a seamless, efficient and safe experience, customized to YOUR needs including:


To enable the provision of services opted for by YOU.

To communicate necessary account and service related information from time to time.

To allow YOU to receive quality customer care services.

To comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations

Where any service requested by YOU involves a third party, such information as is reasonably necessary by the Company to carry out YOUR service request may be shared with such third party.


WE also do Use YOUR contact information to send YOU offers based on YOUR interests and prior activity. The Company may also Use contact information internally to direct its efforts for service improvement, but shall immediately delete all such information upon withdrawal of YOUR consent for the same through OUR “unsubscribe” button or through an email to be sent to .


WE collect and store YOUR search details on the Application, including YOUR search history, the Usage of the Application and the features and time YOU have used the Application for. WE are committed to keeping all such sensitive data/information safe at all times and ensure that such data/information is only transacted over secure Site of approved payment gateways which are digitally encrypted, and provide the highest possible degree of care available under the technology presently in Use. WE shall collect and store all such information in OUR internal Company servers for a finite period time, as long as YOU are a USER of the Application, and may store all such information upon expiry of YOUR USER ship for research purpose.


The Company will not Use YOUR financial information for any purpose other than to complete a transaction with YOU. To the extent possible, WE provide YOU the option of not divulging any specific information that YOU wish for US not to collect, store or Use. YOU may also choose not to Use a particular service or feature on the Site, and opt out of any non-essential communications from the android Application.


Further, transacting over the internet has inherent risks which can only be avoided by YOU following security practices YOURSELF, such as not revealing account/login related information to any other person and informing OUR customer care team about any suspicious activity or where YOUR account has/may has been compromised.


At every stage prior to, during or after information collection, YOU have the right to access all personally identifiable information provided, rectify or alter all personally identifiable information provided, restrict the level of information to be retained as per YOUR sole discretion and object to the retention, Use and potential disclosure of the personally identifiable information.



The information provided by YOU shall be used to


Contact YOU when necessary and is also Used for targeted marketing campaigns i.e. email marketing, remarketing, look alike campaigns etc., to conduct surveys, learn more about YOU by linking YOUR data with additional data through third-party data providers or analyzing the data with the help of analytics service providers.

Improve and develop new products, services, and features.

Analyze purchase, Usage and traffic data.

For more details about the nature of such communications, please refer to OUR Terms of Service. Further, YOUR personal data and Sensitive Personal data may be collected and stored by US for internal record. WE Use YOUR tracking information such as IP addresses, and or Device ID to help identify YOU and to gather broad demographic information. WE will not sell, license or trade YOUR personal information. WE will not share YOUR personal information with others unless they are acting under OUR instructions or WE are required to do so by law. Information collected via OUR server logs includes USERs’ IP addresses and the pages visited; this will be used to manage the Web system and troubleshoot problems. WE also Use third-party analytics, tracking, optimization and targeting tools to understand how USERs engage with OUR Application so that WE can improve it and cater personalized content/ads according to their preferences.



WE Use data collection devices such as “cookies” on certain pages of OUR Applications. “Cookies” are small files sited on YOUR hard drive that assist US in providing customized services. WE also offer certain features that are only available through the Use of a “cookie”. Cookies can also help US provide information, which is targeted to YOUR interests. Cookies may be Used to identify logged in or registered USERs. OUR Application Uses session cookies to ensure that YOU have a good experience. These cookies contain a unique number, YOUR ‘session ID’, which allows OUR server to recognize YOUR computer and ‘remember’ what YOU’ve done on the site. The benefits of this are:


YOU only need to log in once if YOU’re navigating secure areas of the site.

OUR server can distinguish between YOUR computer and other USERs, so YOU can see the information that YOU have requested. YOU can choose to accept or decline cookies by modifying YOUR browser settings if YOU prefer. This may prevent YOU from taking full advantage of the Application.

WE also Use various third-party cookies for Usage, behavioral, analytics and preferences data. The following are the different types of Cookies Used on the Application.


Cookies: To identify the USER and share the content that he or she requested for.

Functionality cookies: For customized USER experience and resuming past course progress.

Tracking, optimization and targeting cookies: To capture Usage metric of device, operating system, browser etc. to capture behavioral metrics for better content delivery to cater and suggest most suited products and services.


Unless subject to an exemption, YOU have the following rights with respect to YOUR personal data:


The right to request a copy of YOUR personal data which WE hold about YOU.

The right to request for any correction to any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate or out of date.

The right to withdraw YOUR consent to the processing at any time.

The right to object to the processing of personal data.

The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority


YOU further acknowledge that the Application may contain information which is designated confidential by US and that YOU shall not disclose such information without OUR prior written consent. YOUR information is regarded as confidential and therefore will not be divulged to any third party, unless if legally required to do so to the appropriate authorities. WE will not sell, share, or rent YOUR personal information to any third party or use YOUR e-mail address for unsolicited mail. Any emails sent by US will only be in connection with the provision of agreed services, and YOU retain sole discretion to seek for discontinuation of such communications at any point of time.



When YOU sign up to become a Member, YOU will also be asked to choose a password. YOU are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of YOUR password. It is important that YOU protect it against unauthorized access of YOUR account and information by choosing YOUR password carefully, and keeping YOUR password and computer secure by signing out after using OUR services. YOU agree not to use the account, username, email address or password of another Member at any time or to disclose YOUR password to any third party. YOU are responsible for all actions taken with YOUR login information and password, including fees. If YOU lose control of YOUR password, YOU may lose substantial control over YOUR personally identifiable information and may be subject to legally binding actions taken on YOUR behalf. Therefore, if YOUR password has been compromised for any reason, YOU should immediately change YOUR password. YOU agree to notify US immediately if YOU suspect any consistent unauthorized use of YOUR account or access to YOUR password even after changing it.



WE treat data as an asset that must be protected against loss and unauthorized access. WE employ many different security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by members inside and outside the Company. WE follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information submitted to US and information that WE have accessed.



Each paragraph of this privacy policy shall be and remain separate from and independent of and severable from all and any other paragraphs herein except where otherwise expressly indicated or indicated by the context of the agreement. The decision or declaration that one or more of the paragraphs are null and void shall have no effect on the remaining paragraphs of this privacy policy.



OUR Privacy Policy may change from time to time. The most current version of the policy will govern OUR use of YOUR information and will always be at the Application.


As a responsible company, WE do not use automatic decision-making or profiling.

To withdraw YOUR consent, or to request the download or delete YOUR data with US for any or all OUR products & services at any time, please email to contact@ from YOUR registered email address.